After generating a series of design ideas I presented them to a number of designers who gave me feedback on the strongest concepts and which of them I should develop further. My next step now is to develop my initial ideas and to search for prospective clients, but before I do this I am going to do further research on the legislation's that might be relevant to my own designs. This information will be beneficial to me when presenting my designs to clients. Most of the legislation's that apply to designers can be found on the intellectual property office website. Intellectual property allows designers to own the work they create, so the right protection will differ depending on the design. 
There are four different types
COPYRIGHT- This right protects the written, theatrical, musical and artistic works as well as film, book layouts, sound recordings and broadcasts. Copyright is an automatic right, which means you would have to apply for it.
TRADEMARK- A trademark is a sign which can distinguish your goods and services from those of your competitors it can be words, logos or  combination of both.
PATENT- Patents protect the methods and processes that make things work the intellectual property office can help you decide if it is the right protection for you. 
DESIGN- A registered design is a legal right which protects the overall visual appearance of  product or a part of a product in the country or countries you register it in.
So what legislation's might be relevant to my designs?
The ideas I will be developing further are the 3D geometric cat, the two sided head sculpture and the innovation speeding car sculpture. For the 3D cat design I could apply for the design right, trademark and copyright as this would protect any images being copied of it and also the advertising aspect. The two sided head sculpture would be the same as a patent right would not really benefit this design as it has no real function and it is mainly a sculptural piece. What the patent right might be useful for is any merchandise I decide to create for the sculptural pieces, as these might have a function and might work in certain way. The sculpture of the speeding car will benefit from all these rights as it will be placed as a symbol of innovation for a building.

If your still here ... thanks for reading!

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